Marc Noguera

Working in the interface between computation and science I have developed skills in molecular modelling, genomics, high performance computing, drug discovery, DNA sequencing analysis from which I can use informatics to address some of the most exciting possibilities that scientific and technological advances offer in order to impact biomedics. Specialties: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformátics, Genomics, High throughput sequencing, High performance computing, Cloud Computing, Data Analysis . Academic Background: BsC Chemistry, 2001. BsCBiochemistry, 2002. Systems Engineer 2011. Computational Chemistry 2011. Professional Experience: Chemoinformatics Systems Manager 2000-2009, UAB. Bioinformatics Platform, 2009-2010, IMPPC. Associate Researcher, Bioinformatics lead, 2011-present.
My Role in mistral is to perform and supervise metagenomics data analysis throughout the different worpackages. In addition, I lead WP8 which comprises the development of software for microbiome-based decision making.